Advice on what this could be please.

About 3 years ago I got out the shower one day and I saw a dark spot on my neck. It never itches or anything. I actually forget I have it until I see it in the mirror. Well I have noticed it is spreading a lot more since I first found it 3 years ago. I kept forgetting about it so I kept forgetting to see a doctor about it but now it is pretty noticeable to anybody around me. So now I’m getting worried because it is spreading so much. What do you ladies think it could be? I have a crazy imagination so I’m scared it could be skin cancer. But a lot of people also said it could be eczema but I thought eczema is really itchy and I as I stated before it never itch. I will set a appointment soon to get it checked out. But I don’t think they will do much at the moment since I’m pregnant.

Have you ladies seen anything like this before or have a idea what it could be??

P.s I know you are not doctors so no rude comments please just looking for some advice. Thank you