Too emotional

I've always been emotional and have had depressive feelings and some anxiety for as long as I can remember. I don't want to get on antidepressants or anything; I regularly practice yoga as my way of trying to balance my emotions. It just seems like the smallest things can turn me into a raging or bawling mess and I really wish I could control it better. It's affecting my relationships. I remember I tried to open up to my ex and I would just bawl. I told him about my eating disorder, being left by my biological father, and other things that are really hard for me to talk about and I would just sob. He thought I was nuts! I also would get moody and emotional if he said something critical of me. Today I saw that he was tagged in a Facebook post that his friend posted on his wall. It was a gif of a crying baby with the words "when bae gets emotional for no reason" and it made me so embarrassed. He probably tells his friends that I'm crazy and it makes me feel like a lunatic that will never find someone to love.