Deciding not to announce


We’re currently pregnant with number 7

1 and 2 are mine

3 is my husbands

4 5 and 6 are mine and my husbands together

I just know someone will have a ride comment about so many kids

Or us not having a big enough house blah blah blah

So I think I’m not going to announce until after birth.

Maybe that way I can avoid unnecessary drama and comments

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Posted at
I am pregnant 13 weeks with #5 and my kids range from 16-1. I dont think I am going to announce. I just told a few people, my family and everyone else will just figure it out when they see my belly.. I am over people's comments trying to police my vagina


Posted at
Ttc #5. 1,2,3 are mine from first marriage, 4 is ours together. I’m pretty sure I won’t be announcing until after birth probably.


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We’re pregnant with number 6. Definitely won’t be announcing on any form of social media until baby is born. We also won’t be telling our families until it’s noticeable. Our family is very supportive but they think we’re crazy 😂


Posted at
I'm currently pregnant with #5 and I'm dreading to announce, even to family. I feel like everyone is tired of us having kids. Plus last time my mother-in-law told me it's not good for the kids to have a big family. I'm just really not wanting to announce until someone notices.


Posted at
I didn't announce my #7 at all, and lost her at 22 weeks. Then just had #8, but didn't announce till I was 30 weeks and still didn't publicly Facebook announce her but emailing and called friends directly instead


Posted at
I am TTC number 7. All are mine and my husbands but I won’t announce. I don’t have friends and my family thinks I should have stopped At 1.