Sick of everyone’s pregnancy judgment!


Why oh why do people assume that the pregnancy experience is the same for everyone? I am so sick of people wanting to touch my stomach and talk to the baby and play annoying baby shower games about bump size and all this other cutsey stuff... it’s just not me and I don’t know how to get that through to people!😒

Don’t get me wrong, my husband and I are incredibly excited for this child. It was planned and we decided to purposely start trying, and I cannot wait for him to finally be here. But I am just not the type to get emotionally attached to this process and neither is my husband. We don’t talk to our unborn child, my husband has only touched my belly a couple of times and only when i asked him to.... I can’t wait to be a mother but I just don’t feel that connection to pregnancy that other women do and I am getting sick of people telling me it’s weird that I don’t. Why can’t people just keep their judgment to themselves?! 😤