Announcing after miscarriage

I want to preface I’m a planner, which is know is naive and setting myself up for possible disappointment.

So my husband and I had a miscarriage a couple months back; it was our first pregnancy. When I first found out I took a half day at work and planned a cute announcement for when he got home from work.

We are jumping right back into trying which I’m glad we are both strong enough for. My doctor told me the second I possibly think I’m pregnant to call him and he will send me for blood work, even if I haven’t missed my period yet.

So here is where I’m lost; how and when should I share with my husband when/if it happens? Can anyone share how they handled this situation. Did you tell them when you got the positive test? Did you wait until the doctor confirmed and surprise them with a cute announcement? I want to plan another announcement for next time, but I don’t know if I’d want to get his hopes up again and go through the same thing.

UPDATE: thank you everyone for sharing and thank you for sending so many good vibes my way!

Photo below is the first announcement...I did this on the day I took the test before going to the Doc, I may plan something similar this time.