I need some advice? (sorry it's a long story)

I need some advice and this is the only place I really feel like I can get some honest unbiased answers. So thanks in advance :)

So I am engaged to the love of my life. We have been dating for 7 years in September and we are also getting married in September! (yay us!♡)

My fiances ex girlfriend, let's call her Alexis, who hasn't been in his life for over 7 years (obviously) is also my exbestfriend. When me and future hubby started dating back in 2011 put a bit of a dent in the friendship me and Alexis had.

Alexis is now an out lesbian, which I have absolutely NOTHING against and I'm even happy for her that shes finally allowing herself to be honest and open with who she really is. (You go girl!)

However me and Alexis still dont see eye to eye. Shes is actually still very angry at me for a fight we had back in 2011 (for obvious reasons).

So what I need advice on is simple really but at the same time it's really not..

Alexis and my fiances cousin are now a couple, which again I dont mind, it's awesome that they both found happiness in each other. However every time me and Alexis are near each other its awkward and the air gets tense bc of how much we honestly cannot stand each other. My question is,

Do I let Alexis come to my wedding as my fiances cousins plus 1? Bc after all, that is her girlfriend.

But I dont want her there bc of all the drama she starts when we are near each other. Help! Do I tell Alexis not to come to my wedding? I dont want to sound rude or disrespectful.. ahhh!