Ranttt central

Warning! This will be long

I’m 20 and my SO is 21, we currently live with my mother, my hometown is GA but I’ve been living in Louisiana for about 9 years which is where I met my SO, I’m very close to my mom, and love her with all my heart and always want to be close to her so we weren’t going to search for our own house until we knew if she was staying in Louisiana or going to live in GA. Well over the past 2 years we’ve talked about it and it was almost a no brainer that we are all staying in Louisiana, so me and my SO both have great jobs. I got off of my birth control a few months ago so we could start TTC and we’ve been looking at houses to raise our little future family in! So today I get a text message from my mom saying that her old boss in GA texted her and really would like her to come back and work for them, her pay would be double what she gets right now but she doesn’t want to leave me and my SO, she’s struggled financially a lot and she’s already told me she won’t leave unless we do, and I just can’t let her pass up this opportunity and don’t want to hold her back, if we move to GA it will be a better opportunity for all of us, she said she would help us out until we got back in our feet, and we decided that we are! It won’t be hard for me and my SO to get a job because my moms old boss already has things lined up for both of us but I feel like I’ll have to wait longer on TTC when both me and my SO were so excited... we will probably find a 2 bedroom condo and all share expenses until our new jobs are going steady and all, and eventually me and my SO will get our own place but I’m just so upset because I had all these goals set for the near future and now I have to put them on hold, I know in the long run it’ll be worth it! But I’m just a little bummed I guess! Feel free to comment opinions