35w & Feeling fed up 😣

35 weeks and I'm so fed up. I just want to crawl into a hole and hide till the baby is born.

I'm fed up of back ache, indigestion, acid reflux, feeling heavy & uncomfortable, nausea, constant hunger & never sleeping!

I'm fed up of not being able to have sex with my husband because it hurts too much.

Im fed up of people saying 'hello' to my bump, never actually looking at my face anymore! Im fed up of being told that I look bigger everytime people see me!

I'm fed up of people putting things onto me and complaining about their own ailments - someone actually complained to me about back ache the other day, knowing full well that I hadn't slept for a week due to back ache!

I'm fed up of people stressing me out - go away, I have a baby to think about! I'm already stressing about the masses of people that will want to come see the baby straight away when me and my hubby want to have the first couple of days just the 3 of us to bond - I feel guilty turning them away.

Grrrrrr I'm fed up of the hormones that are making me so irrational and emotional and extra stressy.

Sorry for the rant - I love this baby so much, I'm just so ready for my baby to be here in my arms... and hopefully the rest of me will return to normal!