Missing My Boys!!

Nickie • Married with children! Missing our twin babies in heaven! NGT👶🏽👶🏽❤️❤️

My husband and I tried to have a baby for the past 3 years. I had 2 miscarriages and 1 chemical pregnancy within that time. We finally conceived in March via <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> (3rd attempt) and it was twins! We were so excited! We made it to the second trimester and were even more excited because we past our miscarriage point and were watching our babies grow. On June 9, 2018 (16 weeks and 4 days) we took our daughter's to a baseball game with their Girl Scout troop. No pain all day just tired afterwards. I took a 1 hour nap, woke up to pee as usual and went to while and felt Baby A's feet hanging out. I woke my husband up and was rushed to the closest hospital, during the ambulance ride there I coughed and he slid right out. Born at 5:40 pm Baby Noah came into this world feet first, perfect just too small (7 Oz) and too early. He was breathing on his own and his heartbeat was strong for the whole entire hour and 11 minutes of his life. Apparently when you deliver before 23 weeks the hospital won't intervene to help your baby survive even if they are trying. They ran all types of tests on me to see if they could possibly keep baby B inside for at least 7 1/2 more weeks I received an amniocentesis, a cerclage and antibiotics. I was discharged from the hospital on June 12, 2018 at 7:30 pm to rest at home. My husband rushed me back to the hospital on June 13, 2018 at 4:15 am because my fever spiked up to 102.4 and I was shivering. They then told me I would have to have the stitch in my cervix removed and baby B would have to be delivered that day. We knew they wouldn't help him so we knew that now we would be losing him too! We requested seeing him on ultrasound first just in case and his heartbeat was strong. They removed the stitch and induced labor at 9:30 am the contractions started, Nehemiah was born at 5:37 pm at 5.1 Oz sleeping. I was rushed to the OR because I was losing too much blood and the placentas wouldn't deliver and they pumped me full of more antibiotics. I nearly lost my life because of Sepsis and losing too much blood. I am grateful for life and my boys but I miss them so much. I miss them moving all the time in my womb, I miss watching them grow, I miss their waving and thumb sucking on the ultrasound and I miss their heartbeats. My beautiful babies are no longer with me and I miss them so much! Noah and Nehemiah Mommy and Daddy and your sisters and brother miss you so much and you will forever be loved and wanted!