

-I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks ago.... and my husband and i were super excited about it. this would be our 2nd child and we had a hard time conceiving our daughter... so this was so easy and so fast for us... (we only tried for a month) ...then my tests kept getting lighter and lighter. i knew what was happening... i have read this scenario 1000000 times... but as much research as you do, nothing prepares you for the emotional toll. i went to the doctor and they confirmed i was having an early miscarriage. i feel a huge chunk of my. heart missing... and i know that i wasnt far along... i know it may be nothing compared to what others here have went through... but i feel like i am the only one hurting... like my husband isnt as effected.. and most my family says "it couldve been worse.." and i know that.... i just hurt so bad... im depressed really.... i just really want my child.. my baby... and to know that his/her short little life meant something to someone... that he/she mattered here... to me he/she was the world...