Religious Coercion in Schools in South Africa

Jani • South African | TTC since Oct 2017 for #1 | Two m/c since 2018

Hi everyone, I'm 31 and living in Johannesburg, South Africa. This country is about 80%+ religious, which is a little annoying. I founded an NPO called South African Secular Society in 2014 and last year we supported another secular organisation here that finally made a court case against religious coercion in schools! I’m happy to say that we won and as a result no public/government school may now do religious activities such as devotions/prayer at morning assembly, relating to only one religion at their school (which around here is always Christianity). Also, the previous opt-out approach (for the children), is now an opt-in approach. We are working to enforce this now, which is still difficult.

Anyway, husband and l have been together 7 years and are now TTC our first baby. Had a m/c in Feb this year, but staying positive. Obviously not praying for this one, doing the SMEP (our first cycle trying this).

Lovely to meet all of you. 😊