TTC/ questions.*


My mans & I have been trying to have a baby and during my ovulation time I did have ovulation cramps. I was car sick around the time. I've taken pregnancy test last week and all negative. And then I took one on the 25th and it was negative. But I'm steady getting headaches/ nausea. I usually gag but nothing ever comes out. I get headaches the minute I wake up till bed. & I'm supposedly late on my period by 6days? I'm hella confused. But I'm waiting for the month to be over to see if I eventually get my period. My mans wants me to go to the doctors but I said I would wait till next month which is a week away. I'm getting bummed out by the negative test.😩 y'all what's going on forrreal?!

June 27th


June 28th

I went to the doctors today and told her everything i had been going through and when I peed it was a dark brown color. She said I could've been dehydrated or whatever. Then prescribed me Ondansetron ODT 4Mg tablets & Ibuprofen 400 MG tablets. She also took a pregnancy test and it was negative. She said to come back and test next week to see if I am pregnant. I just had some darkish discharge. I haven't had my period and my calendar says I'm 7days late. Could I still be pregnant? I'm TTC currently. She said if I do find out I'm pregnant to stop taking the pills. What's the dark discharge?

Also I'm 18 days past ovulation.. idk if I'd get a positive