
I need some info ladies. I’m freaking out. (Not really just need the ☕️)

So my tubes are banded, and has been for years. I recently thought I was pregnant because I was 48 days late and my coworkers made me paranoid that something went wrong with my tubes.

Not really relevant to the question I have but it’s back story.

So my period came, extremely painful, and went and now I’m dealing with discharge. I can’t tell if it’s because I’m getting older or what, but my discharge is leaving a brownish tint on my underwear. I smelled it, and it’s not fishy or disgusting smelling, but it smells salty like semen. Now I’ve not had my dude ejaculate inside me for almost 2 weeks now, but I have been swallowing his semen. I’m wondering if the salty smell is coming from that? But I’m in no pain, it doesn’t hurt to have sex or none of that.
