Aspirating on spit up 😭 help


So today we rushed our 7 month old to the ER via ambulance

We took a nap 1 hour after her bottle. She was in a pack and play (always sleeps in one). Well 2 hours into the nap i got up and cleaned a little. My husband was in there with her sleeping so I figured she would be ok and he’ll wake up when she cries to get up so I didn’t bother to turn on the baby monitor. Well 10 mins later he and my mom are calling for me to hurry there because she is choking. She couldn’t catch her breath really but was crying. She had snot or mucus coming out her nose and a lot of saliva coming out of her mouth. I immediately started cpr but could not do chest compressions because she would start choking worse on her saliva. Called 911 and then went to ER. ER dr didn’t tell me anything really but to follow up with my pediatrician but I am on vacation out of state with family. I will be home July 5th. I am so scared to sleep. I’ve seen two drs for her spit ups and aspirating on it and both I feel like they don’t take it seriously like I’m over exaggerating. She has had a few other episodes (not nearly as bad) but usually will be ok after 30 seconds or a little longer. will be getting a third opinion right when we get home.

She is on similac for Spit up and started Zantac tonight (she still did her gulping thing after taking the Zantac then 30 mins later eating so idk if it’s going to work)

Has anyone been through this and have advice? Really scared mama over here. Any advice is welcomed.

Seriously so spooked and keep crying. 😭😭

FTM with no clue what to do