Panic attack about being attention starved


My past relationships have been emotionally and sexually abusive and I’ve been with my current boyfriend for 10 months on the 4th and I don’t see him often and i don’t get affection from other people so I feel really really starved and lonely and I feel awful about it. I am used to seeing him everyday with school but summer made it to where we see each other once every 2 weeks and I don’t have any friends I can talk to because they all work and I’m trying to find work but no one is hiring teens rn and I can’t fill my needs as easily as he can because he has friends to play games with and talk to everyday and I don’t know what to do. I had my first panic attack yesterday and it went on for hours and it’s still affecting me as I’m typing this and idk what to do. I’m scared mostly but we talked yesterday about it and he said we would try to come see me more but his car is broken and I can’t drive yet and he’s about to be gone for a while for vacations and band camp and I am so lost as of what to do. My family isn’t very huggy on each other so I don’t know how to fix this.. I’m so freaked out