Very short period on pill?

Just wondering if this is normal since I have never experienced this. I am sexually active and for protection, I have been on combination bc pills for almost a year now (Junel-Fe brand) and me and my boyfriend use condoms every time we have sex just ask extra safety. He usually finishes inside of me while he has the condom on then pulls out holding the condoms like 5 seconds later and takes it off over the trash. If something leaked out of the condom for example, my birth control would cover me right? I take it at the same time everyday and have only missed it once. But when I missed it, we had sex but we used a condom like normal

The reason I am a little concerned is because for my period in May, it was very light, lasted maybe 2 days and dark brown in color. I also had a lot of tissue come out as well. I haven’t had such a short period so I’m not sure why this happened? I haven’t had any weird symptoms lately other than sore breasts. But I think it’s because I keep touching to see if they are getting bigger because I am so paranoid about being pregnant. I tend to be a little bit of a worrier so if anyone could calm my nerves I’d really appreciate it!