Waiting to miscarry naturally


We found out Thursday at our 10 week appointment that our baby did not have a heartbeat. 2 weeks prior the heartbeat was 139 but baby was measuring 6 days behind. I spotted from week 7 on and right before my 10 week ultrasound I had a spot of bright red blood. I knew something was wrong but still in the shock of the moment I opted to wait for it to happen naturally... DUMB. I have the most severe anxiety and I just want this over with. My doctor is off Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday is the Fourth of July. I have another ultrasound Thursday and I believe I can have a d&c; Friday. This morning I woke up with all over stomach pain and nausea... I almost feel like it’s diarrhea pain but no diarrhea. I just want this to start and be over with. I feel like my life is on hold and I’m cooped up at home waiting miserably to lose my baby.... I’m okay (surprisingly) that this pregnancy didn’t work out. I feel like I have some amazing things in my life and there was probably something wrong but I am terrified for what’s to come. Can anyone tell me how their miscarriage started? Baby didn’t look much different than the ultrasound at 7 weeks so I can’t imagine it made it much past 8 weeks if even that.