What do I do, do I need to go to L&D

This morning about 30 minutes ago I was in a physical altercation with my husband. He slammed me and grabbed me and was dragging me to the bedroom I dropped to the floor very hard and he kept dragging me. The whole thing lasted probably 3 minutes but was rough and scary. I checked the baby’s heartbeat with my at home Doppler I’m just scared something else could have happened to my baby. His heartbeat is usually 150 or thereabout but it was 160 and then slowly went back down to his usual bpm. I’m 20 weeks right now.

I just need to know if I should get baby checked or if he is most likely okay. His heartbeat is strong but this is my first baby so I didn’t know about any other things that could be happening like ruptures or what have you. I also have a cerclage and am high risk

Please don’t judge or give advice on the marriage I just want to know about my baby please I’m scared and lost I’ll get to dealing with the husband later.

I’m posting anonymously because I’m embarrassed and ashamed. But I do need help as I can’t talk to my mom about this yet and I’m in a new city so I have no close friends.

I’m just at a complete loss about about this whole ordeal idk what is happening in my life but my baby is everything.