27 weeks no shower?

Would you be upset if you were 27 weeks pregnant and no one was even talking about throwing you a baby shower yet? I know I'm not lm not due for another 13 weeks but I feel like maybe someone should at least be talking about it and what we were going to do? I feel weird about trying to do it myself and honestly the fact that like my mom or best friend or 2 sister in laws that I'm fairly close with haven't said a word is making me super super upset. I feel like no one ever try's to do anything for me but if they need something I'm always there for them helping. I feel like if I ever want something I can't rely on my family or friends at all. And they are not the type of people to do like a surprise party either so I know it's not that. It's also embarrassing because I've had several work associates/ friends ask me when my shower is and I don't know how to answer them without feeling like I'm going to cry. Just makes me sad that no one seems to be thinking about me or baby especially sense this is my first pregnancy.

Any one have any similar situations?