*UPDATE* brown/old blood 6wks 6days


So, I posted yesterday about brown spotting the day after sex. Well, it continued a couple other times (last night and this morning when I wiped). No cramping. I was really worried so the dr agreed to see me and do an ultrasound. I was expecting the worst because my symptoms seemed to be going away. Well, I’m having TRIPLETS! All three have a heartbeat. He said it’s still very early and anything can happen but for now not to worry about the spotting and to take it easy. I’ve never said “oh shit and omg” so many times in a row in my life. Lol The dr just replied with “oh shit is right!” And laughed. So for anyone having a little bit of spotting, try not to jump to conclusions like me because it could be nothing or it could be 2 or 3 something’s! I’m still trying to process this news.