Update to Nexplanon removal 3/19/18


I've been here on Glow since March TTC. After removal it took 7 weeks for AF to return back to normal. my hubby and I TTC every cycle with no luck. this past cycle we decided to stop stressing and put a pause on charting. Last night I had a very bad stomach ache accompanied with diarrhea(TMI, sorry) the stomach ache lasted from about 12am-5am. That bad feeling in my stomach felt very much like how I felt around the times I found out I was pregnant with my other children. I decided to test early this morning...even though AF wasn't due for another 2 days, and got my BFP!!! Keep hope ladies! Nexplanon is different for everyone. Baby dust to all 🧚🏾‍♀️🤰🏽👍🏾