What should i do?


Okay ladies, maybe I’m over thinking but maybe some advice could help me?!

I’m 14 weeks. Still don’t know what I’m having and i think my doctor tells you at 20 weeks. I’ll be 20 weeks the week of August 12th. Anyways, that’s not the problem. My son will be turning six on November 22nd, I’m due December 30th. So, technically I’ll be going on maternity leave probably the first or second week of December. Right?! Okay so that’s all these holidays. Well anyways the baby shower is the end of October. Already set that up. BUT here’s my problem, should i wait till the baby shower before i start buying stuff? I’m very conflicted because what if i don’t get what i really need? I still have to pay for my sons birthday and his gifts and then Christmas. So, should i just start buying off my registry myself? My boyfriend is telling me to wait but I’d rather be safe than sorry. Especially since the holidays 🤦🏻‍♀️😪 maybe I’m over thinking and worrying too much? Also the reason I’m freaking is cause i don’t get paid on maternity leave. That’s the whole thing and i won’t return until probably the beginning of February. So that’s zero income in my end coming in for 6-12 weeks.