Can I move out?


My mum has a terminal illness so I have been her legal carer for 10 years (since I was 10) Because of this I missed out on being a teenager. I never went out or spent any time away from her, but she was good to me and treated me with respect. Over the last few months she has changed, and started being nasty to me almost every day. She now blames me for everything and refuses to let me defend myself. When I mention it to her she calls me weak and pathetic. It's getting to the point where other people notice it and it's really starting to affect me. I have tachycardia, so when I am stressed, my heart rate can reach 164 bpm. The stress she is putting me through is literally making me ill. Whenever I mention going somewhere later on in life, she says I can't. I need to get away before I get sick, but I feel like I'm trapped. There may be no advice anyone anyone can give, but I needed to rant anyway