Daycare sickness...


Since our son started day care a month ago he has now been sick twice. First time he had an ear infection and vomiting. Now he is battling a fever and may possibly have hand foot mouth disease. He will be 16 weeks this Thursday. Hope he will break free if these illnesses. We left to go out of town Saturday and yesterday he started coughing and congested. Last night he felt warm and his temp was 102. So we took him to the ER. We were there for almost 6 hours and they checked for RSV and did an X-ray of his lungs. No RSV and no pneumonia so that is good news. Doctor said he had the start of a viral infection and to watch in a couple of days for rash like symptoms on his hands and feet. So now we cut our vacation short and headed back home to helpfully help him feel better being in a normal environment. Hopping he breaks this fever soon and starts feeling better.