FTM they sent me home 🤷‍♀️ .. normal?

I am 39 weeks.

I went to my doctors this morning due to severe cramping over the weekend, he checked me and thought I was leaking fluid because I had clear watery discharge running down my leg... so he sent me to L&D.;

Tested negative for the water breaking.

The monitor was picking up on regular contractions but I can’t feel them. I am 2cm dilated but was 0cm dilated last Wednesday.

I went to go to the bathroom and stood up and had this:

The nurse said “that’s your bloody show,” gave me pads, and sent me home until contractions become stronger.

Do you think it will be much longer? I am not upset about being sent home, but it seems like I might be in early labor based on the contractions, going from 0-2cm and the bleeding, right?