A year ago today, I was struggling with my miscarriage


On 6/30, I was prescribed my medication to help induce my missed miscarriage. I was devastated. My fiancé and I were trying for nearly 4 months and was so excited to finally start our next step in life. The baby stopped developing and there was no growth or heartbeat after so many ultrasounds. I opted for the medication vs the D&C; because the idea of going to sleep pregnant and waking up without anything seemed traumatic.

I spent Fourth of July last year aching. My heart was so heavy and every severe cramp I got during this holiday reminded me of what I lost. My fiancé was to leave 7/16 for 6 months military training in Georgia. I was desperate to get pregnant again before we started our long distance relationship between Iowa and Georgia. But it never happened, I wasn’t someone who got pregnant right after miscarriage. Being so young I was so frustrated with losing my first baby and having hard time conceiving.

For 6 months, my fiancé and I tried to conceive. The distance didn’t stop us. I visited him twice in Georgia via flight and he drove 15 hours one way in a weekend during my peak ovulation. We were dedicated but nothing happened. Finally he came home for good on 11/18. On 11/19 I received the blinky OPK and on 11/30 I got my positive!!

My baby was healthy and growing!!! I cried the first time they told me the baby had a heartbeat!

Even though I was pregnant, my original due date in January came.... I was still devastated and felt the pain of my miscarriage often even though I had a healthy baby growing. My fiancé never understood my sadness but I know a man can only understand so much of the emotions a women goes through during a miscarriage and pregnancy. I’m now almost 35 weeks with my rainbow baby. I just wanna help give others hope! The pain is still raw during this holiday week but I know everything happens for a reason. I hope other struggling still find hope 🤞🏼🌈