What kind of info would you want Glow to be able to tell you?

Rachel • Glow Community Manager

Hey ladies, 

We're always talking here in the office about ways to improve the app, but today I thought I'd ask you about something specific: ideally, what sort of stuff would you like to learn about yourself? Either based on data you've already entered (patterns, etc) or what would you want to know/get a quick consultation about? (e.g. a quiz that could then give you more in-depth information or recommendations about TTC). What information do you feel is missing that you'd want to be able to see?

This isn't anything formal, I'm just curious about what you're interested in. 

ETA: To be specific, what I'm curious about is what you'd like Glow to analyze for you. So not so much what you'd like to track, or improvements to the app, but considering all the data you could/can enter, what would you be interested in seeing Glow number crunch for you?