Do you ever just feel super needy?

My boyfriend is super relaxed (which is great, don’t get me wrong) but it often turns into me being the one to text or call first and me being the one to suggest a date. Sometimes he does and it’s amazing, I’m not complaining. I just sometimes get really emotional and needy (like I am currently) and needed to see that I’m not alone.. unless I am. 😅

My boyfriend is currently sick and I’ve been taking care of him all day but he just hasn’t been himself for like a week and by the time he is himself again, I’ll be on my period and I always feel close to him but I feel the closet through sex- it’s like my love language. But of course he’s sick so he’s not up to any physical stuff right now.

Just needed to vent somewhere where people might understand. ❤️

I love my boyfriend so much and I love being there for him, I guess I’m just used to being spoiled with attention. 😂

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