I want a baby so bad I could cry.

I'm only 19, I live with my parents, im not even in a relationship, and I am in no way ready to support a child. But I just want to be pregnant so freaking bad. I feel like I was born to be a mother, and I cant stop thinking about it. & I know all the negatives that come with pregnancy, and how hard it is to raise a child, but that doesnt stop me from wanting one SO bad. how do I get my mind off of it? it's literally all I've thought about the past 3 days.

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Why don’t you get a puppy in the meantime


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Get a pet. I'm 19, married and moved out. I have a full time job with benefits for our son. And my husband also has a full time job. You can't care for a baby without these things. It's fucking hard.


Posted at
Babe. I FEEL THIS. Ever since I was a little girl I’ve dreamed about having my own child, but the last year I’ve cried about wanting my own baby. I’m only 17!!! But I would die to have my own child. I honestly feel like I was born to be a mother and raise a bunch of kids. It literally breaks my heart that I know I shouldn’t have one right now because if I waited until I got my life stabilized it would be such a better environment for the child. GOSHHH I’m so happy there are other girls out here thinking like this because I thought I was crazy.


Lo • Jul 6, 2018
right?! I know that once I find someone I love to have a baby with, and we are financially secure and just overall ready, i know it'll be SO much better. but knowing that that could be YEARS from now just hurts my heart and I just wanna skip to that part now.


Posted at
I'm 19 too and I feel the same way. I have been with my boyfriend for just over a year and a half and I am desperate for a baby. We also have early menopause in my family and so the pressure is on, and this is amplified by my anxiety and OCD. I go around baby sections of shops with my hand on my belly because I'm so desperate to feel, look and be pregnant. I know it's soo difficult to cope and a lot of people don't get it. I feel ready to have a baby, though I know I'm not. I am at uni 7 hours away from my partner, I'm always skint and normally miserable, and yet countless times I have suggested to him that I just drop out and he gets me pregnant. I'm not sure if it's just that I miss him lots, but I don't think it's just that. I have so many plans for when we have our babbas and I just really want to get on with it now. So I have this tiny box that I fill with things Like baby shoes, a babygrow, and an envelope full of possible names that my boyfriend and I have discussed. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't but trust me when I tell you that I feel you b. X


Posted at
Could be your hormones kicking in. I would baby sit? If that’s an option and you are old enough and ready to baby sit! It may just change your mind a little lol or get a puppy or kitten, something to take care of and make you feel needed! I am sure you are antsy to be a mommy, we all are! But you will understand as time goes on that you will want to be a mom and have that feeling in the future when you are more stable and with someone that wants it as bad as you do, it is definitely worth the wait to make sure you have a baby with someone you love and who loves you and that baby back!! Please wait till it’s right!! And by no means am I saying that everyone’s situation isn’t “right” for them or perfect or ideal, but hun, it will be so much more fulfilling, enjoyable and exciting when you are ready and with someone who’s in it with you for the long haul!!!!


Posted at
Babies are hard work. Worth it, but hard. I would wait until you’re in a secure relationship & financially well off. I do understand you wanting a baby tho. I was the same way. Even when I know I wasn’t ready for one, I still thought about the time I would get to be a mother. It’s amazing! Your time will come sweetheart.


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Offer to watch a family member's kid. For like a whole day. That always made me okay with waiting 😂


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Well before u do anything get a puppy or a kitty. Yes having a baby is a big responsibility but it's maybe because u ovulated why u felt this way, it will soon wear off.


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I would start babysitting or get a pet! It isn’t the right time, but it will be in the future. I promise, you want to have everything figured out first before having a baby. Here’s some things that will make a huge difference. Day care is so so expensive! Half the time you spend over half of your pay check just for someone to watch your child. Second, it will be close to impossible to move out on your own and actually start a family. Babies are cute, but families are the REAL PACKAGE ❤️ Third, you’ll lose all of your friends and not many guys want to raise someone else’s baby. Hell.. half of them don’t even want to raise their own salt 💯💯 You’ll become secluded from the world and you’ll most likely be judged by your acquaintances. I started trying for a baby, but I was moved out, had a good job and was in a stable relationship. Our daughter is now 4 months and things are still tight because I don’t work. My hubby and I don’t trust people and she’s exclusively breastfed, so it just wouldn’t be practical to work. Plus my whole check would go to daycare. So even with us being ready, there are still so many obstacles!! Please wait, you have so much time and experiences to have!


𝒟𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓎 • Jul 3, 2018
Idk where “salt” came from 😂😂 Also meant to add “at 19” before trying for a baby.


Posted at
Get yourself a cute little puppy and stay in school.