24 weeks



From 22 weeks to 24 I have felt my little boy more and more everything is getting stronger and I feel it quite often through the day. Yesterday I only felt a few movements through the day, are other people experiencing this? I try not to worry but can't help it as it's my rainbow baby and i am first time mum x

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I had the exact same thing... 24 weeks and it went quiet after lots of strong movement before. I was worried too but waited it out, and after three days it's kicking again like crazy :). People I asked told me they go thru growth spurts and get tired. I'll bet you'll feel it soon :)


Amy • Jul 3, 2018
No problem! I feel the same way lol!


A • Jul 3, 2018
Oh right ok thanks for the reply! Can't wait for him just to be here haha xx


Posted at
A lot of people including myself are going through this right now! It’s all over this thread. I think we’re all at the point where they are moving positions and growing


A • Jul 3, 2018
I've just been reading then! Seems we are all the same haha, I have a had a few more today than yesterday x