Age gap?

Kayla • Sunshine. Live Bands. Girls night out. Cozy nights in. Movies. Cooking. Writing. I live for the little things. <3
This is my boyfriend and I. He is newly 32 and I'm 24. My parents don't like him purely because of the age difference and because "he's not who we pictured you with". I've been dating him for a year and a half and haven't budged. I won't break up with him because of there closed mind but I wish they would actually try. Any tips on how to make them at least give him a chance? 
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I'm 24 and my fiancé (he proposed on Thursday after him and I being together for four years) is 39! I don't care what anyone says and neither does he. We are in love and he is wonderful and gives me everything I need and more. Love is love.&nbsp;


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Y&apos;all look great together ❤


Kayla • Jul 15, 2015
Thank you :)


Jeannette • Jul 14, 2015
I agree!


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Just ignore the comments and eventually they will see you are happy and not leaving him and will get over it. My parents always told me I could do better and to find a different guy. Needless to say we&apos;ve been together 8 years on Wednesday and married three and my mom finally realized he&apos;s not so bad and would give me the world if he could lol. Not age related but same idea. Hope it helps.


Posted at
Our age difference is 6 yrs, which isn't bad, but I met him when I was 16 so my parents particularly didn't like him either. Almost 5 years later and it's a complete turn around. I would say to just give it more time&nbsp;and eventually they should come around. In the mean time dont left anything negative affect you. Just keep living your life and loving your SO :)


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Maybe a family dinner or game night something to help them get to know him. I understand my family thought after divorce I should stay single and they have had a hard time accepting my new bf soon to be husband. Just do more things with them and maybe they&apos;ll find out what you see in him. Good luck.


Posted at
Just live your life &amp; be happy in your relationship. In my experience, you can&apos;t say anything to change their mind. You just have to show them over time that it is the real deal &amp; you both are in love &amp; truly happy. They will eventually come around. I&apos;m 25 &amp; my husband is 31 &amp; my family love him now. When we met I was 16 &amp; everyone except my mom thought he was using me for sex &amp; money. It took a long time, but they eventually realized our love was real &amp; accepted it.


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They'll just have to let it and my husband are 6 years apart and started dating when I was 17 so everyone thought it was a huge deal but our 1st wedding anniversary is on the 23rd of this month so we must have done something right to love each other and always want to be have to do your own thing. You don't need permission to live your life.


Kayla • Jul 15, 2015
His wonderful! Congratulations!!


Posted at
We only have 2 years difference, im 24 &amp; hes 22 and we have now been together for 4 years. His dad didnt mind at all but his mother was seriously mortified. She absolutely hated me &amp; i mean it. Wouldnt want me around at all. I wasnt invited to family things or anything, needless to say he turned 18 &amp; left &amp; didnt speak to her for a month &amp; when she asked why he explained to her that she needed to accept me &amp; this is how it was going to be! She definitely came around &amp; after 4 almost 5 years together his mom &amp; i get along great! I say talk it out with your parents &amp; let them know if they arent happy for you then you wont be around as often, you dont need toxic unhappy people in your life regardless of they are your parents or not! I have a feeling they will come around if they are forced to see you mean business!


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My boyfriend is 27 and im 19, but in my family everyone is way younger than the guy, such as 15 years, 11years, 9,and 5 years. And I when I had my mom meet my boyfriend I told her straight up I didnt care if she doesnt like the age or what, its the person who you may spend the rest of your life with. And tell her you are 24 you are old enough not to get a say in the relationship I mean it&apos;s nice to know if they like him but it&apos;s your relationship it&apos;s your happiness not theirs


Posted at
I'm 17, turning 18 in a few months &amp; my bf is 21. My mom didn't really like it at first, but she's gotten over it because he's nice &amp; treats me well. Age is nothing but a number