

okay today I had to work I asked my bf to clean up the house and make sure he got the kids dressed before taking them to the babysitter! he was home all day and did nothing never even dressed the kids his daughter told me once they took me to work he went back to sleep and then played on his computer game all day. I came home from work and the house was trashed two sinks full of dishes trash all over the counter and coffee table trash over flowing bed not put away kids were still in their pjs. his daughter is ADHD and she told me her daddy gave her a fudge round which she knows she not supposed to have he works evenings I work days so I ask him to help out this is becoming an everyday thing I have to throw a fit for him to help! now he is taken it to another level and basically telling the kids the rules I set only have to be followed when I'm home! they're not supposed to eat or have drinks in their room both were in their room when I got home. they are only allowed to color at the table because the two year old breaks the crowns and feeds them to The dog! they were broken crayons and coloring pages every where. I ask him not to give the 5 yr old naps BC she fights me to much at bed time and everyday BC he wants a nap he makes them take a nap. he uses to be very helpful but since we got his kids full time all he wants to do is sleep! or play his game!

I wrote him a letter telling him things needed to change that we will not get married or TTC until he can Change and help me out at home and with the kids and have my back with disciplining the kids. am I being to harsh on him.

PS his whole family tells me how good of a job I do with The kids BC they have never had rules or discipline.

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