

I'm so tired and stressed. When I finally get in the bed 1 hr and 40 min from now I will probably rock and weep myself to sleep because I dread that I'll have to get up after just two hours of rest😩. I've literally been doing school work all day. I barely ate anything. First thing I ate was at 5pm today and I didn't even get to finish! And Nope no breakfast. I have two more pieces of this assignment to finish 😳 and I'm on the <a href="">glow app</a> ranting. I'm only here because my brain stopped working on a intellectual level making that assignment now nearly impossible to complete 😭😢. I'm so sad. I just want to do well in graduate school but my professor doesn't give a damn that I have to work two time consuming jobs to pay bills and he wants the students to engage in online discussion from 9am to 9pm😒. What class is that long!? And I am in a different time zone so I have to wake up extra early just to post and I have less time to complete my work after I get off my 9-6:30pm job🙄. I hate this class so much! My grade should not be contingent upon how much free time I have! Where is the day am I going to find the time to read 7 assigned readings, type up a lesson plan outline and facilitate class discussion!? I'm not a teacher!? Idk😟 but here I am, sacrificing my health and running water in my home for a damn grade!