Do I test?


Alright y’all, prepare to be confused with me haha.

My periods are super irregular due to endometriosis and my insurance causing a lapse in my birth control.

I lost my dad in January, and have been kinda spacey since then. I know I need to take my BC correctly, but there has been a few days that I have missed, then this last month (late June) my BC got switched and was a day late because of insurance. I got what I assumed to be a period, but it was literally only around 3 days long and was the lightest spotting I’ve ever had. I had cramping, so I just assumed.

I have NO idea when I would’ve or could’ve ovulated, but I haven’t been having super frequent sex.

I have health issues, so all of this could be those acting up.

My period isn’t due until September 9th, because of my BC regiment.

My boobs are very sore (not normal for me) and they’ve gotten bigger by like a whole cup size, I have light cramping every day, my CM is different than it normally is at this point in my cycle, I’m wildly nauseous, I have looser poops than normal, and I’m super fatigued. I wouldn’t normally test at this stuff, but I take medication that could be harmful to a baby. I also have a tattoo scheduled pretty soon.

Should I just test and see what happens?