Help, I’m TTC


Hello ladies, so I’m new to the group and is in need of advice on ttc my first child. I’m 30 and no known health issues. My SO has a child from a previous relationship and he is currently helping me conceive my first. I’ve downloaded this app to help track my ovulation. I ovulate a week from today. On this feed I’ve seen ladies recommend using mucinex to thin out CM. I’ve also purchased Pre-seed to make sure that the sperm meets the egg when it’s time. But I would like some advice on what I can do to help conceive this first time. What tips, tricks, and or positions that will help in my journey. We have been just fooling around at first but now we are serious to conceive. Any help and or advice is welcomed. Thank you and hope to hear from you guys soon

P.s.— please send me some baby dust!!!