Post d&c help


Hi!! So I did a little bit of opk before I was pregnant with the baby we lost and are ready to try again!! I know the hcg is out of my system took hpt which was negative I know this isn’t positive but you’d say defiantly getting close right?? I’m only 3 weeks 5 days post d&c.; Doctor didn’t really give any clear answer as to when we could start trying so I took it as more do your research and when your ready go for it so I did a ton of post d&c; research and basically info was contradictory and didn’t give a good basis for either argument (waiting vs not) my husband and I are ready and ready to accept that if we do become pregnant again it could end in a loss same as any pregnancy or it could end in a wonderful addition to our family so we have just decided to give it a go and see what happens ☺️ thanks for your help!