did I miscarry?

Amanda • 24 ttc baby #1, happily married to a beautiful woman

okay my wife and I have been doing at home insemination with fresh sperm and syringes since feb 2018 with a known donor. In may we inseminated twice may 8th and again on may 10th on may 11th I was diagnosed with a bacterial infection which I treated with antibiotics prescribed by my doctor. I had a very odd 9 day period the 21st-29th of may I spotted or passed brown spotting blood for the first 4 days and the rest of my period was a light flow normally I have between a 3-5 day period with a very heavy flow. life went back to normal my infection was gone I assumed I wasn't pregnant bc of the period and especially because of the infection. I also didnt start my antibiotics until I got my bfn after insemination because my doctor told me it was too dangerous in early pregnancy. Flash forward to today July 3rd 2018 I still have had no period it's been 43 days since my last cycle started in may and 54 days since our last insemination may 10th. I took a pregnancy test Thursday June 28th bc I've never been so late for a period nor have I ever missed a period since I started having them. my doctors office is closed for the next 2 days and I'm needing some advice. The only thing I can come up with is that I may have been pregnant and between the antibiotics and infection the baby didn't survive and also did not pass on it's on.