Let me leave him☹️


Alright, so here’s the background to our relationship, so we first got together February last year, I was so happy so in love, all my other exes definitely mistreated me. They lied abused and controlled me. Bare in mind this year I only just turned 17..

anyway, we where together for two months, until I found out he was in a relationship with another girl on the down low behind my back. I cried, I had a mental breakdown. My heart broke. I then agreed to work on it, he blocked her and then a couple weeks later he was by my house and I had to go to work so he was at my house. I got home from work to find a letter yes a fucking LETTER to say he’s breaking up with me. Saying he cheated(which by the way he actually didn’t he just said this so I would let go of the relationship) anyway. Months go by we still talked a bit, then one day I asked to meet him so he could collect his things and off he goes.. However we all know that just it. He came to my house we talked, and my idiot ass took him back July 1st 2017. We where so happy I loved him so fucking much. Everything was so perfect and then...

4 times... 4 FUCKING TIMES. He has cheated on Me, spoken to other girls. I checked his phone as I had a suspicion about some shit going on between him and this girl called MOLLIE. I knew it, ‘best friends’ how hilarious...

he said he was disgusted in me for going on his phone like it was all my phone. I was willing to get over it, i was willing to sort it because I’m dumb. He refused to block her like REFUSED because they where such good friends still. I couldn’t believe it. It has taken me since February until now to convince him to block her. Right now I am sat here while he is downstairs. We are going through a rough patch. He has began to get aggressive and more different. I am unhappy and he knows it, I told him. 2 days before we came here to SPAIN for a holiday just ME AND HIM alone I split up with him. But then said I was willing to try again on this holiday. I feel so alone, so unhappy. I love him but I’m so sad. He has spoken badly about me behind my back. But I can’t seem to let go I want him to change. Please help me. I’m so scared to be alone, I don’t really have any friends to comfort me.

Just him.