Help --another ectopic??


Trigger warning: possible ectopic

Hello all! here's a little background to my story. Suffered an ectopic pregnancy in December 2016 which was treated with methotrexate. I then got pregnant with my daughter who is now 9 months old. I exclusively breastfeed and have not had a return of a period so I periodically test.

I tested positive almost a week ago and start bleeding the next day. Tests continue to get darker, bleeding ended after 2 days (there were some clots/tissue in the bleeding). Had beta hcg drawn of 6 at what I believe to be 10dpo and then 21 at 13dpo. 16dpo only went up to 24.

I am looking for women with similar experiences. Did this continue onto a healthy pregnancy?

Thank you 🙏🏻🌈