BFP with Fertility Blend SP-1


I bought this from The Vitamin Shoppe for $11.99 on 5/23 and took 6 pills a day as directed on the bottle. I got my BFP on 6/22! Listen, if you are trying to get pregnant and have been unsuccessful, go get a bottle today! I'm 38 and been trying to get pregnant for years. Tried rounds of success. Tried success and my hair fell out! I took Fertility Blend SP-1 and was pregnant the next month! I did my research and once I saw that it was a healthier, more organic fertility alternative, I purchased it. Somedays I even took only 4 as I sometimes forgot to take it before bed (oops) and it still helped out! I also mixed Geritol and organic Maca Powder each day in my GNC protein shake for breakfast. Am I saying this will work for you? No I am not, but I am saying you got nothing to lose and it's worth a try! Trust me. I know what it feels like to try all options and nothing seems to work. My husband and I also prayed for a miracle so I do believe that God also answered our prayers! Thank you LORD! I am not a paid spokesperson for this product (I wish I was though) so I'm telling you my true experience. Try it! I'll be praying for your BFP too!!!