What do I say?


I love how supportive everyone is on this app. I'm looking for advice. One of my best friends (essentially a sister to me) had her son just over a month ago. She and her husband knew that their son would have CDH (Congenital diaphragmatic hernia) by the time of his gender reveal party. Flash forward to her emergency c-section, the doctors couldn't find his right lung on xrays (aka worse than what they thought would just be an underdeveloped lung). He's been on ECMO since birth. He's suffered a stroke from a blood clot in his brain that also caused seizures. The doctors are taking baby Carson off ECMO Thursday and they don't expect him to survive. I don't know what to say to my friend; she's been so incredibly strong this whole time. I live in NYC and she's in Philly at chop so I cannot be there for her physically. I cannot begin to imagine what she's going through and I have no idea what to say. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!