So my cycle starts in 7 days ovulation was over 3 days ago but today ive been nauseous all day tired.. i took a LH test and its never been as positive as this🤷🏽♀️
Prayers today mines was super positive again and i only feel more nausea head hurts tired
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I just posted something about this in ttc 40’s yesterday. I’m 14 dpo, got bfp at 9 dpo. Yesterday I did opk for science and it was positive.The month before I tested the day before my period started and got a positive.Essentially, it could go either way. Good luck!
No .. ive been trying for 7 yrs i hate testing then a day later my cycle comes.. im going to stick it out till next friday
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in order for the lh to pick up pregnancy you would have to be far enough long to get a positive pregnancy test. you could have no ovulated so your body is actually doing it now.