What makes a mother?


My mom hasn’t really been there for me. When she found out I was pregnant (I’m her only child) she started coming around. She even wanted to be in the room when I go into labor. But I really want my grandma (her mom) to be in the room. My mom doesn’t care for her mom because she feels she ‘betrayed’ her when the whole custody thing happened with me. But in reality she just wants someone to blame. My grandma on the other hand, she knew how to put her feelings for my dad aside so that she could stay in my life. And for that she has been my rock.

My mom being in the room with me would basically be like me asking an acquaintance or co worker to be in the room with me. Like, I know them but... I don’t REALLY know them. My mom literally said that she thinks she has ‘the right of passage’ to be in the room with me just because she’s my mom. But I disagree.

Am I wrong for thinking this way? I know I’m not saying any of our history, but if I did it would take you about 30 minuets to read it. Maybe more. And also, my Significant other, his parents, AND my parents (dad and step mom) feel the same way I do. They all actually don’t want her anywhere near this new baby... I agree for the most part, but at the same time... She’s my mom...

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