Would you like for your partner to give up alcohol/whatever else you have to give up while you're pregnant?


1 - Yes, I would LIKE it if my partner gave up alcohol/whatever I had to give up

2 - Yes, I EXPECT him to do so

3 - I neither expect nor would like him to do it

4 - Other stance

So, I made a very similar poll earlier today but most people ended up attacking me because I said I would LIKE it if my husband gave up alcohol and maybe whatever else I had to give up during pregnancy but I actually do not expect him to do it.

I think the confusion arose from the wording of the question so I'm trying again since I can't edit polls 😒

I've talked to couples who both gave up the same things and they all say it's a bonding experience and brings them closer together. That's why I would like it if my hubby did it with me.

I hope this is a less confusing post that better answers my initial question about what the expectations/desires are about pregnancy.

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