

I'm so over being pregnant I just wanna have sex but my belly is so big it makes it really hard to have sex 😭😭😭I can't wait to be able to have fun sex again and not have it be uncomfortable I miss switching it up the only way we can do it is if I'm on top and he's big so it feels like he's ripping something apart or something for like the first two minutes only about 2-3 more months left


not complaining people more of just alittle sexually frustrated because before I was haveing sex everyday multiple times a day cut down to once every two weeks so sorry if I miss haveing sex and no it doesn't mean I don't enjoy being pregnant this is my last baby I'm definitely thankful to made it this far after a loss of a baby a few years ago but it is hard on our relationship when you go from humping like bunnies to meh like nothing because I don't have the sex drive because I know it's uncomfortable to have sex beacuse of pain when he puts it in and how big I am I have no Belly button anymore its on it's way to looking like a nipple😂😂😂🤦🏾‍♀️