Anyone else?

I’m really upset. I feel like I haven’t had enough time with my toddler before this new baby comes. I don’t want to have to give up these moments together yet 😪 we nap together everyday and I’m just now weaning him. I’m just not ready. 😭

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My baby is 1 in August and I’m sad so that he will be a big boy now when the new baby comes. I cry just thinking about it. I feel as though it’s harder to connect to this baby while pregnant and having another 11 month old. I think we r just so focused on the kids we have now but once the new babies come our hearts will grow bigger


Posted at
my sons 2 n half now and hes been sleeping on his own since he was 1 n half but we still cuddle in the morning when im dead tired n he just watching his cartoons. n sometimes he will go off n play with his toys. but he always comes to me n just randomly kisses my head if im sleeping or if he has to pktty he wakes me up. my home is 100% baby/toddler safe.


Posted at
I’m like this with my four year old. I’m telling myself it’s time to let go a tad , we cuddle and hug and kiss all day... she’s my best friend so I just hope I have enough patience to maintain both relationships without taking away too much from her :/


Posted at
same here, I feel like he knows theres a new baby coming, which I'm sure he does but at bed time he wants to sleep with me and just cuddle and it breaks my heart because I already dont feel like I spend enough time with my 4yr old, it's hard!


Posted at
I nap with my 2 year old, too. Soak up those snuggles and just make sure you plan some good quality time with him when the new baby is here, but I’m sure you’ll want to work on having an awesome bond with the next one, too. I can really relate because I’m having twins and have a lot of worries about dividing my attention 3 ways and still staying so close with my daughter. We’re not the first ones to have more than one kid and I think it usually works out just fine. Other moms say your love just increases with all of your kids, so I try to keep that in mind.