I rely on sex for almost everything.

I can recall myself being so angry with myself for having sex with 11 guys at the age of 17 but nowadays i’ve just been feeling worse about my sexual background. I’m 18 and I’ve slept with roughly around 28 guys. It’s so embarrassing and i get so disgusted in myself during sensitive times like such. I resort to sex way too often as an emotional support system. Mainly when I’m fresh out of a relationship and I’m hurt. Which I always find myself in a relationship like every 3 months and I always wound up hurt and having sex with random people to numb the pain. It’s just this repeated cycle and I want to break it. I have no self control in the past 3 months The longest I’ve went without having sex was 2 weeks. I rely on sex for almost everything am I an addict and how to I control my sexual urges? I really want to break this cycle and I’m desperately seeking help.