Surgery tomorrow to remove tubal blockage


Hey y’all.

So my surgery is tomorrow to remove potential tubal blockage (may be just spasms) and to have a small septum removed.

I’m not nervous about the septum, but the tubal part. Laparoscopic surgery scares the crap out of me!!! Any experiences with this are welcome!

I’m losing weight on low carb, but still a plus size gal with an apron of fat. (Again, I’m losing weight steadily, but didn’t want to wait for surgery.)

Any advice would be so appreciated. ❤️


They went in through my belly button, found my tubes were slightly blocked, but not so much that they couldn’t get a tube through to clear them out. Septum removed. They also found some endometriosis that I didn’t know about. It wasn’t much, they lazered that off. Not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.