Boyfriend.. of 2 years.. is now angry af.


I have been with my boyfriend for 2.5 years. He wasn't upset/yelling until about a year into our relationship. I never expected him to be an angry guy based off of what I knew before we started dating. It's like he starts yelling whenever any minor inconvenience happens. Example: when he opened the freezer to grab some meat something fell out, which then he proceeded to throw everything out of the freezer onto the floor & leave it there. [I didn't pick it up, I said *youre just gonna leave the food on the floor? & he picked it up] But still that was very childish in my eyes. He is 22. He is constantly throwing things when he gets mad.. he threatens people while we're driving if they are driving stupid[where as I prefer to let people be themselves ] He has a lot going on rn, but then again he always does. I don't feel like he would ever hurt me physically, but the things he says and later apologizes for really hurt my emotions. I really love him as I have lived my young adult years with him 18-20 , it's scary to think about not being with him but sometimes I feel it's for the best. How do you break up with someone you once told them that you would never leave? I know it would break his heart & I really don't want to do that. But then again I also am constantly thinking that there is gotta be someone out there who will love me like he does, but not yell all the time. like I'm always the one there listening to the yelling but he swears up & down that he's not yelling at me. Do any of you think that anger not directed at you is reason enough to leave?