7W Postpartum - can’t stop crying

My husband went back to work from paternity leave today at almost 7 weeks postpartum. This is my 1st day alone with our baby. I can’t stop crying from last evening to mid-day because I really miss him. I missed him before the baby but never cried like this. I’m thinking it must be hormones but am scared this is the start of PPD/PPA? I keep trying to stay busy around the house but i keep randomly bursting into uncontrollable tears every time I see a reminder of him or completely randomly! I’m not sure if this is normal or not?

I want to get out for a walk but am scared over 90 degrees is too hot for a walk outside with a newborn. I look like a mess from this much crying + am nervous to go out anywhere in public because I’m worried about breastfeeding in public/am too uncoordinated yet to manage it discreetly.